Step 6 - Transition

Transition is both an end point and first step in a new journey. It is important at this time to reflect on all that has happened, all that has been learned, and all that has been gained.

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The Army’s support for its Caregivers Trisign Memorandum


The final step in the Soldier and Caregiver process is transition. Transition is both an end point and first step in a new journey. It is important at this time to reflect on all that has happened, all that has been learned, and all that has been gained. Not everyone who supports Soldiers or has been a Caregiver have had the experience of witnessing their Soldier returning or recovering. You must see this step as a gift and continue to support the Soldier through the transition process.

Every Soldier will go through the transition process in their own way and in their own time. Some tasks may be quickly completed and seem effortless, while other seem to be tremendous hurdles that require significant time, care, and patience. It is important to see and celebrate each success and accomplishment as a victory. Then, as these victories grow the support, encouragement, and motivation will grow for you and your Soldier to help put them in a positive mindset that sets them up for great success.

While the role of the Caregiver will continue to be powerful and important, the Soldier must now look to broaden their support network and maintain as much independence as possible. Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Army maintains strong support networks from medical, financial, and counseling support to physical fitness and social organizations. Just as the Army was there for you and your Soldier throughout the recovery process, we will continue to be there for your Soldier on their journey forward.