ARCP Key Terms
Medical Retention Determination Point (MRDP)
The point in time in which a determination can reasonably be made whether or not further medical care will cause the Soldier to meet medical retention standards or render them capable of performing the duties required by their office, grade, rank or rating.
Complex care
A medical professional aggregate assessment based upon the severity of illness, degree of impairment, required level of comprehensive care management and commitments of time and resources
Soldier Recovery Units (SRU)
SRUs provide critical support to wounded, ill or injured Soldiers. A SRU resembles a “line” Army unit with a professional cadre and integrated Army processes that build on the Army’s strength of unit cohesion and teamwork so that wounded, ill or injured Soldiers can focus on healing to transition back to the force and/or veteran status. SRUs used to be known as Warrior Transition Units