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Army Recovery Care Program
Army Recovery Care Program
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We’re like an OnStar button for Soldiers or Veterans
October 2, 2023
— Retired Army Master Sgt. James Malone knew he would continue helping Soldiers even as a civilian. After 21 years of service, he worked as a medical liaison officer. He started his civilian career in 2010 at Fort Gordon, Georgia, and eventually worked with the Army Recovery Care Program. As a Lead Recovery Care Coordinator, Malone is now at Fort Cavazos, Texas...
A lighthouse in the storm
September 18, 2023
— Ask retired Army Sgt. and Team Army Member Jason Smith what adaptive sports have done for him, and he wastes no time with his heartfelt answer...
Help is available to translate your military skills into the civilian workforce
September 18, 2023
— The idiom “don’t reinvent the wheel” is alive and well in the world of Transition Coordinators who assist service members medically retiring from the military. Reinventing skills from the military into civilian speak is a big part of what they do, according to Regional Transition Coordinator Gary Simpson, of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. “It doesn’t matter what job you did in the military. It can be translated into civilian, or every day speak.”...
Clueless on what to do when you medically retire from the Army? Read this!
July 31, 2023
— Former Sgt. 1st Class Jennifer Howard helps Soldiers when they medically retire from the Army. She is a Recovery Care Coordinator today at our Fort Stewart Soldier Recovery Unit (SRU) for good reason. The Avionics Equipment Repairer explained things have changed but she was clueless who to talk to when faced with the end of her 14 years in the Army...
My new normal is allowing me to return to duty
July 27, 2023
— Sgt. Samuel Casey is in the South Carolina National Guard. The notion of having to make adaptations to his life due to medical issues didn’t thrill him but he knew it was necessary...
Put your pride to the side and ask the questions, even the dumb ones.
July 27, 2023
— Retired Sgt. Maj. Alim Ahmand has a message for Soldiers, and he feels more confident than ever sharing it. “Put your pride to the side and ask the questions. Even the dumb ones.”...
Soldiers, take that time in the SRU seriously - you will never have it again in your life
July 20, 2023
— When Army Surgeon General, Lt. Gen. R. Scott Dingle established the quarterly theme “Army Medicine: Our People Create the Standard of Excellence,’ it was a easy choice to focus on our Fort Stewart Soldier Recovery Unit’s Dr. Yvonne Larochelle...
“Even after you serve, the Army is there for you”
July 18, 2023
— Having someone in your corner when you need help is a plus. Lawyers, counselors, teachers, planners, and more all advocate for many in need. Soldiers have Recovery Care Coordinators (RCC’s) who go to the mat for them when they separate from the Army. At a recent conference of RCC’s from all over the country, Col. Faith Junghahn, who worked with the program as a U.S. Army Major years ago, gave the final talk at this year’s Biennial Training for ARCCD at Fort Liberty, North Carolina, June 30th...
Finding the Taliban’s IED was the best thing that ever happened to me facebook sharing buttontwitter sharing buttonlinkedin sharing buttonpinterest sharing buttonsharethis sharing button
July 12, 2023
— Retired Army Staff Sgt. Kory Ferris makes no bones about it when he looks at where his life is today. He works for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Having his life change forever when he hit an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) in Afghanistan in 2011 is the catalyst he says to his life now...
You can’t be scared of the future because it’s going to come with or without you
July 7, 2023
— Army Staff Sgt. Derrick Thompson works in communications in a variety of ways and is happy to sum it up. “I’m a radio guy. I make things talk to other things,” he says. The married father of three travelled the world and moved his family around in typical military fashion, working hard toward 20 years of service. That is until a little over a year ago, while in Korea, something strange started happening to his body...
I didn’t want anyone else to fall through the cracks like I did, so I became an advocate.
July 6, 2023
— Richard Rodriguez advocates for Soldiers, Veterans, and Families. His time in the military and shortly before led him to where he is today...
Going to the Soldier Recovery Unit was probably the best thing to happen in my Army career
July 5, 2023
— No Soldier wants to hear Medical Evaluation Board (MEB). It happens. For Maj. Victoria (Tori) Camire, an Army Judge Advocate General (JAG) Officer, those words sounded like a sentence, but she worked through the process in the Army Recovery Care Program...
Soldiers tackle ‘challenges’ of Warrior Games Challenge
June 9, 2023
— Team Army rolled their way onto Naval Air Station North Island, San Diego, California, for the DoD Warrior Games Challenge, currently being conducted June 2 – 12, 2023. ...
Take a risk and embrace imperfection!
June 5, 2023
— Team Army athlete Sgt. Shawn Lee openly admits he’s a bit of a risk taker, and that’s a good thing. “You must be a risk taker,” said the infantryman. I took a risk with adaptive sports and am doing things I never would have done in my life, and for me it is life changing.”...
Second cancer diagnosis doesn’t stop Soldier from competing at Warrior Games Challenge
June 2, 2023
— When faced with a second cancer diagnosis in eight years, Sgt. Dalton Apodaca says his faith is guiding him through once again. “A man will pick his path, but God will direct his steps,” he said with confidence...
Injured Soldier says trying new things helped keep his sanity
May 17, 2023
— One doesn’t think knitting is something a Soldier does, but they don’t know Staff Sgt. Brent Fox of our Fort Campbell Soldier Recovery Unit. He is a Soldier through and through, athletic and always busy. And for the record knitting was not part of his life until recent months. A traffic accident at Fort Bliss on his birthday October 17, 2021, changed his life forever...
Medical Board process ends favorably for JBLM SRU Soldier
May 16, 2023
— No Soldier wants to hear they are being medically retired or med-boarded. There is often the notion that if you are a wounded, ill or injured Soldier and a med-board is underway, your career is automatically over. Not true. Master Sgt. Christopher Diaz-Rose is living proof...
“To know that I still have that much competitiveness and ability makes me feel good.”
April 20, 2023
— Sgt. Carl Judd deployed as part of the crew to shut down military operations in Afghanistan...
Team Army Member says going to the SRU wasn’t the end… it was just the beginning
April 20, 2023
— As an Army Medic, Staff Sgt. Jewel Lewis saw a lot. Her scenery changed last October when she was assigned to the Soldier Recovery Unit (SRU) in San Antonio, Texas after medical issues including a PTSD diagnosis. ...
In the Army Recovery Care Program, You Have One Job
April 18, 2023
— In the Army Recovery Care Program, Soldiers have one job…to get better...
“If people say you can’t do something, prove them wrong and just do it!”
April 17, 2023
— After a class on Fort Bragg in January of 2021, Spc. Patricia Schjoth, a wheeled vehicle mechanic, crossed the street to go back to her shop and continue working. She was hit by a car and had a broken ankle, leg, and shoulder plus severe head trauma. “I don’t even remember getting hit by a car,” said the 22-year-old from Michigan. “I had head surgery. They removed my skull on the left side because of the swelling inside,” said Schjoth. She had to learn basic things all over again, starting with speech...