Welcome to the Army Care team and our synchronized network for providing support and resources to caregivers of our Soldiers.

The Army’s support for its Caregivers Trisign Memorandum

About this website

Over five years ago, a wife of a Soldier found out her husband was in critical care. Diligently taking notes on every meeting, medical visit, phone call, and request, she started to form a system to organize her thoughts and paper work. At the same time she was processing all the thoughts about her beloved Soldier she was being charged with and processing lots of medical and service information. During some points of her journey, she felt overwhelmed by the evaluations and events taking place around her and at other times she was the warrior fighting for her Soldier’s life. Years later, with her husband by her side and the Army Senior Leadership behind her, she revisited the Caregiver journey and formalized the process as a series of six steps. This Six-Step Caregiver Process is the cornerstone of the Caregiver role and is now embedded in this website and online-tool. While this is just the first edition of this tool, it is a conduit and foundation supporting a platform for a Caregiver’s desire to help other Caregivers work through their own journey. The content on this website is a collaboration of many Army organizations and specialists. As more information is available and more features are designed, they will be added to this site.

This website is driven by and dedicated to Caregivers. As your use and involvement grows, the life of this site will grow. Please feel welcome to pass forward your Caregiver knowledge that sparked the inspiration of this site. If you want to contribute your own story of how this site helped you or other content you think needs to be included, please do so. Thank you for your support and care.

Who is a Military Caregiver?

A military Caregiver is anyone who provides dedicated support with the daily activities and quality of life for a service member who once was capable of accomplishing ordinary activities on their own. However, now your Soldier is requiring assistance during their recovery from being wounded, Ill, or injured while actively serving in the United States military. If you are supporting an actively serving service member then you are a military Caregiver. Caregivers supporting service members are often family, friends, or acquaintances of service members.

Our service member family consists of Active Duty, Army Reserve, and National Guard Soldiers.

What can this website do for you?

This site is dedicated to supporting Caregivers by increasing awareness and direction for various key issues, outlining a process that shows progression with the military and your military care team, and by supplying you, the Caregiver, with a collection of resources that may help you as you continue to provide care for your Service member. We recognize that every Service member and Caregiver relationship is unique and although we may look the same the approach to how you provide individualized care will be determined by your unique circumstances.

If you are new to our website, we recommend starting by reviewing our process. You will find that we have broken down your military Caregiver experience into 6-Steps that are aligned to key milestones your Soldier will experience on their journey to recovery. If you are currently providing care to a service member you can use this site as a foot hold to carry you forward from where you currently are with your support.

How can I learn more?

Make sure that you visit our library of curated resources designed to help you navigate the caregiver experience